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Youth Association for Actions against HIV/AIDS (AJAS)
AJAS Purpuse

AJAS seeks to involve youth in the struggle against the spread of STD, especially HIV/AIDS. 
- Inform youth about STDs and HIV/AIDS, and mobilize them to prevent the spread of these diseases 
- Assist people infected with STDs and HIV/AIDS to otbain medical treatment 
- Network with other groups working on health, with youths, and on related topics, to strebgthen the overall struggle against the spread of STDs and HIV/AIDS. 
- Conduct research on at-risk communities to inform AJAS's activities 
- Educate its members aboub current medical and public health knowledge, and strategies for intervention.

(c) Youth Association for Actions against HIV/AIDS (AJAS) - Made with the help of
Last modified on 5.02.2013
- Already 3439 visits on this website!